New Plum feature launched: Combo Depositor 💸

It seems difficult to imagine now, but in the very early days, Plum only relied on the standard auto-deposits to help you set money aside.

That algorithm is still a key part of what powers Plum, but there are now lots of different ways to personalise your profile and many more imaginative ways to control how you want to stash the cash.

Extra rules like Round Ups / Pound Ups, Pay Days, and our 52 Week Challenge or Rainy Days Rule are a great way to help spice things up 🌶

They could help you achieve your goals quicker, but if you have them all enabled (kudos, btw) it can make keeping track of your deposits a little tricky!

What is the Plum Combo Depositor?

Until now, each time you enabled one of these new rules Plum would create a new Direct Debit for that rule. So you could potentially have multiple different amounts calculated and collected each week.

That’s a lot of money to be putting away… but it’s also a lot of different transactions. And we’re all about trying to help you simplify your finances!

So from now on, we’ll combine your standard auto-deposits with any other rules that you have enabled. This means you’ll now just see a single Combo Depositor transaction each week.

If you’ve configured the Splitter to divide your deposits between your Plum Pockets and any investment funds you’ve selected, we’ll still use the same ratios (you can adjust your Splitter at any time though) 🖖

What does the Plum Combo Depositor include?

The Combo Depositor will automatically combine the following rules:

  • Automatic Saver (available on Plum Basic)
  • Round Ups / Pound Ups (available on Plum Basic)
  • 52-Week Challenge (available on Plum Pro)
  • Rainy Day Rule (available on Plum Pro)
  • Naughty Rule (available on Plum Ultra)
  • 1p Challenge (available on Plum Ultra)

Note: the Combo Depositor does NOT include Pay Days.

What are the benefits of the Plum Combo Depositor?

The main advantage of the Plum Combo Depositor is that it’ll be easier to keep track of how much money Plum takes and where it goes 🧐

Because we’ll be combining multiple different Rules into a single deposit each week, it also means you’ll receive fewer notifications too!

If you'd like to learn more about Plum you can check out our website.

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