The big 2018 roundup 🎉

It's the end of another year and it's the time we all take to reflect on what we achieved, what we learned and what our goals are for the year ahead.

There's no doubt 2018 was a pretty big year for Plum. We launched investments, new insights, new savings moods, opened our Greek office, added Monzo and Starling bank, welcomed 15 new team members and over 250,000 new Plumsters.

But the work is far from done.

In 2019 we want to focus on a few things to work towards completing our mission: making everyone better off.

Helping everyone get a return on their money

In 2019 we want all of our users to get returns on their money. Currently we offer investments (just type 'invest' into Plum to take a look) which gives you the opportunity to get access to expertly managed funds and earn returns, but we understand that not everyone wants to invest. That doesn't mean we should forget those that don't. We want to provide a range of different options to suit everyone so you can make your money work for you 🚀

Fighting loyalty costs

Every year billions is lost in what is often referred to as 'loyalty costs'. This happens when we stay with the same providers for years without switching to better deals. The result is often we are overpaying for essential services which can quickly add up, in fact studies show that this could cost you £987 a year 😱

We want to combat this by highlighting the issue, letting you know when you could be getting a better deal automatically, and making it easier to switch to a cheaper provider if you decide to. We have already started doing this with energy providers, just type 'switch' into Plum to see if you could save now.

Keep increasing awareness on financial topics

A big part of being better off is knowing your stuff when it comes to finances. While Plum can help you manage your money effortlessly and automatically we still want to make sure everyone is super savvy and shares their tips and tricks 🤓 That's why we created Facebook groups for everyone to share their savings and investments tips as well as our own blogs on key subjects like how the tax changes will impact you to busting investment jargon so you can talk the talk and walk the walk. In 2019 we want to grow this even more and start to incorporate more features to help keep you in the know.

Bring Plum to more people

Our mission is to make everyone better off, not just those in the UK or those who use Facebook Messenger or specific banks. In 2019 we will work towards making that happen and expanding our boarders 🌎 We also want to host a PPP outside of London, so that no-one misses out on pizza...

As for the team we have some resolutions of our own:

Elise (ops) wants to write more blog posts on important socioeconomic issues like this one on scarcity.  

Alaister (tech) wants to become 'not completely terrible' at drawing.

Daniella (marketing) wants to take the PPP round the UK and meet as many Plumsters as possible...big Plum tour anyone?

Kostis (tech) wants to eat more fruit (plums mainly we assume) and start two new activities.

That's all from us in 2018! See you next year 🥂

To have your say on what happens at Plum head over to the Plum Squad.
It's the place to be if you want to backstage access to Plum and what we are doing and to share your tips, ideas and feedback. If you want to be part of out testing group and help us build Plum put your name on the list here.