Based on the feedback we received from our awesome Plumsters, we’re working on some changes for our investment platform ✏️
The first change is some rebranding of the existing funds (though nothing related to the underlying investment has changed, the only difference is the name), so that things feel a bit more ‘Plum’.
Our New Fund Names:
- The Conservative fund is now ‘Slow & Steady’
- The Balanced fund is now the ‘Balanced Bundle’
- The Growth fund is now ‘Growth Stack’
- The Emerging fund is now ‘Rising Stars’
- The Tech fund is now ‘Tech Giants’
- The Ethical fund is now ‘Clean & Green’
If you have further questions you can either ‘chat with human’ through your app or Messenger chat with Plum. Alternatively you can email us on
Remember, your capital is at risk if you choose to invest