Plum helped me set aside £6,500, and it was so easy!

Meet Harriet Claypole, a 26-year-old from Peterborough, who, with the help of the Plum app, managed to stash away an impressive £2,600 in just over a year.

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Like many people in their twenties, Harriet had been struggling to save money, and traditional budgeting methods weren’t working.

In December 2021, as Harriet was getting ready to start planning for Christmas presents and a myriad of family members’ birthdays, a colleague recommended Plum. Since then, Plum’s been a game-changer for Harriet’s finances and she’s managed to set aside over £6,000 since starting out.

Let the automation do the work

Plum calculates how much you can afford to save and sets aside automatically, turning a tedious task into a seamless financial experience. You don’t even really know it’s happening.

Harriet says “I don’t check my account often, because the app just does its thing and I do mine. Then when I do check my Plum account, I get so excited to see how much I’ve managed to save up! It feels like a big achievement.”

Harriet has been using the Ultra subscription plan, with Plum’s Auto rule, the 52 Week Challenge, 1p Challenge and Round-Ups to build up her savings. Then with the saving moods, she tweaks Plum to suit her needs so she’s always in control of her money despite automation doing the legwork.

Just last week, Harriet completed the 52 Week Challenge — that’s £1,378 added to her stash! In case you missed it, Plum’s 52 Week Challenge works by setting aside £1 on the first week, £2 on the second week, £3 on the third week, and so on until you hit £52 on the last week. It happens in the background so you don’t even notice the money leaving your account.

“Plum’s helped me pay for my car, and my cat’s vet bills”

Not only was Harriet able to build up her savings, she has also been able to stay disciplined and not dip into them unless she needs to (or wants to). 

When her car broke down on the side of a road, her Plum nest egg became a lifesaver, providing the deposit for a new one — which was a huge win! Plum’s flexibility, coupled with no fees or penalties for withdrawals, ensures that customers like Harriet can access their savings when they need it.

More recently, Harriet was able to pay for her cat’s vet bills and subsequent medications. Vet bills can cause a massive strain on anyone’s budget. Looking at data from Tesco Bank, a one-off accident costs an average of £666 in vets’ fees for a cat while ongoing treatment can veer into the thousands.  

“Because of Freckle’s age, insurance wasn’t going to cover his vet bills. So overall, we’ve spent around £500 in the last couple of months. But it’s great to know that we could just pay it with our Plum savings. It was a huge relief.”

Freckle is on the road to recovery now and spends his days snoozing on the sofa! 

[Photo of Freckle]

What’s next on Harriet’s financial journey?

As Harriet continues her amazing money-saving journey, she’s got her eyes set on building up a deposit and buying a home in the next five to ten years. In the shorter term, she’s planning renovations and upgrades to her space as well as a well-deserved holiday abroad! 

In addition, she’s recently made her first foray into investing in an effort to enhance her finances in the long-term. The Plum app has a range of funds and stocks to offer, and customers can begin with just £1, making it more accessible than other investing platforms out there.  

Harriet's success story with Plum serves as an inspiration to many, at a time when saving can feel utterly impossible. Plum’s there to pick you up and do the hard work for you so you can take a step towards a more secure financial future.

Discover Plum

Earn interest

Premium subscribers can earn up to 4.21% AER with Plum’s Easy Access Interest Pockets, which are covered by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS).

Plum Interest gives people the opportunity to earn returns that aim to follow the Bank of England’s base rate. As of 17/01/24, the rate stands at 5.15% VAR*. Capital at risk.


Take the next step in your financial journey by investing in a range of stocks and funds tailored to your risk profile and needs. 

Automate it

Plum’s secret weapon is its automatic features. With clever saving rules, you can sit back and watch while Plum stashes money away for you. Pay Days, for example, lets you set aside a fixed amount every time you’re paid. You can also take the 52-Week Challenge to stash away £1,378.

Unleash the full power of Plum on your money now.

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Terms and conditions apply. Plum has a range of subscriptions available, offering different tools for different budgets. Remember, if you choose to invest, your capital is at risk. When you use automation, please make sure that this is suitable for you and your personal circumstances. Plum does not offer financial advice.

*Returns are not guaranteed. Rate is subject to change. Forecasts are not a reliable indicator of future results.